Vaccinating your children is one of the most important things you can do to keep your children healthy. With the rise of social media and fake news, parents can be inundated with rumors and false information about the dangers of vaccinations. At Park Pediatrics we feel strongly about the need for vaccinations and for following the American Academy of Pediatrics vaccination schedule. We do not accept families that do not choose to get their children vaccinated.
How Do Vaccines Actually Work?
Vaccinations improve the power of the immune system and prepare the body to fight disease without exposing it to disease symptoms. Vaccines introduce antigens which increase the level of antibodies which help fight the invaders that produce infections. Vaccines also work on a community level by providing herd protection; meaning if everyone around a person is vaccinated; unvaccinated people are protected as well.
Is Vaccination Safe for Kids?
Yes, vaccinations are extremely safe and are tested extensively before approved. Mild side effects are sometimes expected such as low-grade fever, pain, or redness at the injection site. Severe side effects are extremely rare.
Please vaccinate your child on time to protect them and the community. We are happy to work with you at Park Pediatrics to get your child caught up on any overdue or necessary vaccines.